
Pitt Meadows,  BC 
  • Booth: 912


Bibby Ste Croix soil pipe products are manufactured in Ste Croix Quebec, Canada employing over 450 Canadians. Bibby Ste Croix is a member of the Canadian Green Building council. We are proud to support and qualify for Green Buildings and LEED designated projects due to our recyclable content. Bibby Ste Croix recycles annually over 60,000 tons of scrap iron which has been reclaimed from such things as scrapped automobiles, items from scrap yards etc. so that the finished product of both soil pipe and fittings are made from nearly100% of recycled material. Bibby Ste-Croix is proud to introduce Cremco Wade drains to Canada. Cremco Wade has a full line of drains, hydrants, interceptors, carriers and more. For more information or to request a catalog please contact your local Bibby rep and they will be glad to give you the name of the agent in your area.

Bibby Ste Croix soil pipe products are manufactured in Ste Croix QC, Canada employing over 450 Canadians. Bibby Ste Croix recycles annually over 60,000 tons of scrap iron so that the finished product of both soil pipe and fittings is made from nearly100% of recycled material. Bibby Ste-Croix is proud to introduce Cremco Wade Drains to Canada. Cremco Wade has a full drains line, and more. For any information please contact your local Bibby rep to get the name of the agent in your area.

Brands:Bibby Ste Croix Cremco Wade Drains